Showing posts with label racism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label racism. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Good Compilation Of Fox New's Constant Displays Of Racism

BraveNews compiled this video that shows the Fox channel for what it really is. A racist organization that is unabashedly proud of their racism. Every single show on that channel has had a racist moment. With their xenophobic guests & hosts, it is hard to understand why any minority would ever commentate on Fox. Let alone be a Fox contributor!Dr. Marc Lamont Hill is a respectable accomplished black man who Fox uses to give the black perspective on topics. I'm not sure why he chose to be associated with Fox. Look at this video & you will see the obvious disdain for blacks that is demonstrated daily on various Fox shows.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Is The McCain/Palin Rhetoric Intended To Incite Rage? If Not, That's What They Are Doing!

It's deeply infuriating to be viewed as a whole race. God created individuals. Man created race. I am black & people have preconceived notions about me before I utter one single word to them! On far too many instances, my character has been assassinated simply because of the tone of my skin.The assumptions have already been made about me in a racist mind. What are these preconceived notions that I speak of? For the impoverished black, you must be uneducated, promiscuous,dishonest,& just plain lazy. You may be a victim of circumstance when you are poor. In the mind of a bigot, you are the reason for your situation being so dire. And if you are an educated black person you must have an angle. What might these angles be in the mind of a racist? Well,if you're concerned about the plight of the black man or woman you are deemed a communist. You are a radical liberal if you speak out on the travails of the poor. You are a socialist when you want to implement programs to help struggling communities. At least in the putrid mind of the racist individual.
Who do I conceptualize when I think of a race hater? The trivial minded McCain supporters that are shown in this video are the perfect illustration. Lately, they have been yelling out hateful comments at these rallies due to the atmosphere that the McCain ticket has fashioned. It almost feels like a KKK gathering rather than a campaign rally! That was until I finally saw a black McCain supporter stand up & demand more aggression from him. I don't know if he is an artificial enthusiast or not. What was apparent was that this was the only black person that I saw there. John McCain & Sarah Palin can see that they are inciting anger with their rhetoric. They should not only abandon these divisive tactics but it is imperative that they condemn these insulting remarks!

Monday, October 6, 2008

I Got An Email Asking To Boycott "The View"! It States "Elizabeth Hasselbeck Should Be Fired"!

Since I think Elizabeth Hasselbeck is an ignorant space cadet, I decided to post this email about "The View". Yes, I will definitely boycott that show because I have been very unhappy with not only that republican idealist but Whoopi Goldberg as well! We all know from her live stand-up performances that Ms. Goldberg was dealing with feeling inferior to whites. When she allowed Ted Danson to spoof black people by adorning his face with black paint, her self-hatred was even more apparent! No self respecting African-amercian would ever find "blackface" humorous. So, I knew she had a quandary with being black. Sherri Shepard is just herself. I'm not sure what she brings to the show because she mirrors the opinion of a different colleague depending on the subject. Ms. Shepard & Ms. Hasselbeck seem to not be well-versed enough to form & give an objective "view" on anything. The only one with any spunk is Joy Behar. For me, she comes the closest to representing my point of view on that show. Whoopi Goldberg's name says it all. Her real name is Caryn Johnson but she chose "Goldberg" to represent the jewish side of her family. Now, I watched a special on PBS that traces the ancestry of black celebrities. Dr. Henry Louis Gates produces these documentaries for the past two years during Black History Month. Whoopi Goldberg was in that special & I don't remember him finding traces of Jewish blood in her genetic history. I think she just identifies more with being white. Therefore,I still have not heard the view from a "black" perspective. Like I said, Sherri Shepard offers no real standpoint on any issues that matter to me. As for Elizabeth Hasselbeck, she's just a republican talking point. She should be reprimanded by the show for "revealing" what went on backstage with Michelle Obama. To be honest, once Rosie O'Donell left I stopped watching. I rarely watch ABC anyway so this boycott will be simple for me. Review the email below this post.

Dear Friends,
It's not just enough to Boycott "The View" any longer. Many of you no longer watch the show since Elizabeth Hasselbeck was hired. Many of you have never watched this mindless daytime dribble to begin with. Even Barry Manilow has boycotted the show. Now is the time for action against the ABC network and it's advertisers that allows racist innuendos and outright racist remarks to drive their ratings.

Why is this one week boycott important?

Because racism cannot be tolerated, accepted or condoned on American daytime television. There have been other attempts to boycott "The View" but this is an organized boycott against ABC for one week using the Internet and email. All you have to do is forward this email to 10 friends. It doesn't cost anything and you will be fighting racism. If you have a blog or website please post!

The message to ABC and it's executives is clear: Fire Elizabeth Hasselbeck immediately! Let her spew her racist hate on the Fox Network.

10/6/08 Elizabeth Hasselbeck "does not care" quote from "The View" today, that smear and lies are spread. Her message is clear: FEAR THE BLACK MAN! FEAR BARACK OBAMA!

Like Ann Coulter she will blame blacks and minorities for the current housing crisis. The Dow Jones is down 548.45 as I am writing this email. Blacks and minorities must not be the scapegoat for America's problems.

Take a moment. Take ABC off your TIVO. Write down your local ABC network number and stick it to your TV set. Boycott ABC Monday-Friday of next week!

Jody McGillivray
Only One American Voice- Join me so that our voices may be heard!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

McCain's Past Associations May Get Dredged Up Again!

On Meet The Press today, they were talking about the negative tactics that are being employed by the McCain campaign. Sarah Palin wants to smear Barack Obama by misrepresenting his association with Bill Ayers.What about John Mccain & Charles Keating? I posted some information about McCain's involvement with the "Keating Five". Read my earlier posting about that scandal. As I mentioned before, Barack Obama was 8 years old when Bill Ayer committed his terrorist acts. John McCain was a grown man when he was investigated by the ethics committee for his close association with Charles Keating. It was also mentioned on Meet the Press that John McCain was a part of a ultra conservative group that was deeply racist. As an african-american female, I am petrified of the remote possiblity that John McCain may become the next president. He's been known to make degrading remarks towards women in public. Look at what he told a republican fund raiser about Chelsea Clinton. "Why is Chelsea Clinton so ugly? Because her father is (former attorney general) Janet Reno"! Now, you can draw your own conclusions as to what that joke meant! That's why Bill Clinton's glowing remarks about McCain baffled me to no end! But, whatever! Everyone except Joe Biden has had questionable associations. Sarah Palin & the witchhunter who made her the governor of Alaska ( according to Sarah Palin herself). John McCain & the "Keating Five" & the rest of his questionable associations!Go here for more on John McCain( They should just stick to the issues that matter. Obviously, John McCain has nothing to offer the country but more of the same. Maybe far worse.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Obama Cutout Evokes Lynchings! Oregon Christian University Facing Racial Issues!

I came across a very revealing article which I will provide the link to now; ( It talks about how racism is an issue at George Fox University in Newberg, Oregon. There was a cutout of Barack Obama hanging from a tree. On the representation of Obama "Act Six reject" was written, according to the article. It goes on to explain that Act Six is a scholarship program whose recipients are mainly minorities. The campus is mostly caucasian with a republican student group. There are no groups for democrats at this christian university. The story did not say who the culprits were. But the motive is clear from what was written on that image of Obama. Someone was angry about the 1 yr. old Act Six scholarship program. It's the affirmative action outrage that many whites express that is the cause of this incident. For more insight into this standpoint on affirmative action go to: (

See, I've heard it from a Conservative Republican that I used to work with. He was a staunch supporter of John McCain & a ex-cop. He was telling me about some of the ideology of his fellow party members. They felt that affirmative action was unfair & helped blacks get ahead who did not deserve to. The basis of this view is that there is no imbalance in the privileges of blacks & whites. Since this campus is populated with mainly republican whites, it's easy to see how they tied Obama to the fray. As the first potential black president, he is a target of racism from every angle. Not unlike the minority students who received the scholarships at George Fox University. The Republican party is not exactly the most welcoming to blacks. I've read conservative blogs that claim that Obama's success can only be attributed to affirmative action. So it only makes sense that Obama's likeness would be attached to this odious act. I just find it appalling that it occurred at a Christian university. The perpetrators are such hypocrites because those attitudes contradict scripture. Pray for them, Lord.

Monday, September 29, 2008

South Carolina Mayor Ponders Whether Obama is the Anti-christ! What a Far Right Nut!

A South Carolina mayor named Danny Funderburk has been circulating an email that poses a ridiculous question. The email that was forwarded by him asked if anyone thought that Barack Obama was the antichrist. Remember, in my last posting I told you that John McCain has the South Carolina Attorney General in his truth squad. It seems as if there is a republican network of dishonesty that gets employed in every election. This article also brings up the fact that the far far right Glen Beck posed the same question to his viewers. Here's the link: This is casting religious aspersions & apocalyptic fears into a presidential election. It's obvious that there is no real dirt on Barack Obama. Folks like Glen Beck & Danny Funderburk have to resort to evoking people's religious fears of the apocalypse. I guess the possibility of a black man running the country seems like the end of the world to some. But how did these mentally unstable people get into positions of power in the first place? I'm baffled!

This Is The Reason I Created This Blog!!

I decided to go even further into the conservative stratosphere. I didn't watch the Fox channel for my daily insight into the "far right".Instead,I went to a conservative blog & look what I found on this site! At there was this picture of Barack Obama that I find to be highly offensive! These are the fear tactics that Americans are sick of under the Bush regime. We will not tolerate 4 more years of code red, yellow, or orange! Remember that? There were constant terrorist alerts to keep us aware that we live in constant danger since 9/11. Only a republican president can protect us, right? Like Barack Obama said,"ENOUGH"! We're getting off the BUSH/MCCAIN TRAIN on November 4!! What are your opinions on this racist propaganda being promoted on that blog? Leave a comment.

Monday, September 22, 2008

How Blacks Are Viewed In Society Is Still An Issue

Why is the color of your skin still an issue? My guess is that because our views are shaped by our parents. Racism has been passed down from generation to generation. That's why the societal views on this dilemna have not really evolved. As recent polls suggest, Barack Obama may be hurt by people's prejudices. According to this survey, about 30% of whites have made the following analysis of blacks. African-Americans are lazy, ignorant, & responsible for their own personal deficits. For all the folks that say blacks play the race card, I have a question for you. Can you honestly claim that blacks are treated the same as whites?

If your answer is yes, then take a look at this video. There is a nasty truth in the fashion & beauty industry about blacks. There really aren't any black models. Skin color is still an issue as well. I mean look at the comments some blacks have made about Obama's biracial makeup. They feel his ascension in politics was allowed because of his fair complexion. Why do a number of blacks deem this to be true? The reason ,I believe, is that blacks are sparse in the media, film, television,& in the fashion industry. Simply put, we are not beautiful in the eye of the general society.
In this video, that reality is driven home. The purpose of it is to bring public awareness to the fact that there are hardly any black models. There is no shortage of beautiful young black girls who qualify. The problem is that what is promoted in the media as beautiful. Most of the blacks who have made it to the pinnacle of success have light skin. The first african-american to win an oscar for "Best Actress" was Halle Berry. That frustrated many black actresses to no end because she is bi-racial. They felt they were passed over for looking too black. Since we know how blacks are still viewed in society, I wouldn't doubt it!

Thursday, September 18, 2008