Sunday, October 5, 2008

McCain's Past Associations May Get Dredged Up Again!

On Meet The Press today, they were talking about the negative tactics that are being employed by the McCain campaign. Sarah Palin wants to smear Barack Obama by misrepresenting his association with Bill Ayers.What about John Mccain & Charles Keating? I posted some information about McCain's involvement with the "Keating Five". Read my earlier posting about that scandal. As I mentioned before, Barack Obama was 8 years old when Bill Ayer committed his terrorist acts. John McCain was a grown man when he was investigated by the ethics committee for his close association with Charles Keating. It was also mentioned on Meet the Press that John McCain was a part of a ultra conservative group that was deeply racist. As an african-american female, I am petrified of the remote possiblity that John McCain may become the next president. He's been known to make degrading remarks towards women in public. Look at what he told a republican fund raiser about Chelsea Clinton. "Why is Chelsea Clinton so ugly? Because her father is (former attorney general) Janet Reno"! Now, you can draw your own conclusions as to what that joke meant! That's why Bill Clinton's glowing remarks about McCain baffled me to no end! But, whatever! Everyone except Joe Biden has had questionable associations. Sarah Palin & the witchhunter who made her the governor of Alaska ( according to Sarah Palin herself). John McCain & the "Keating Five" & the rest of his questionable associations!Go here for more on John McCain( They should just stick to the issues that matter. Obviously, John McCain has nothing to offer the country but more of the same. Maybe far worse.

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