Saturday, October 18, 2008

Need More Proof That Republicans Are Trying To Pull A McCarthy?

I told ya, so! You have to know history in order to understand the present! The latest republican fearmonger is Rep.Michelle Bachmann. She got her ass on Hardball with Chris Matthews & said that Obama is anti-American. There is a campaign going to censure her for making these outrageous statements. See what she said right here.

Is The Republican Party Obsessed With McCarthyism?

Are we in the 21st century? I thought Americans learned something from the McCarthy era & the civil rights movement. But I'm hearing the language of that bygone time being used everywhere. Socialism & communism mean the same. Senator McCarthy was all about weeding out the communists in America. We all know the fear & devastation his witch hunt brought to people's lives. Sarah Palin is the reformerer & John McCain is the maverick or so they claim. They are going to shake up Washington with all the change they are bringing. But they are not doing anything new by trying to paint Obama as a communist who will betray America at a moments notice. This is Cold War politics.There is no difference at all! Oh, and interestingly enough there is a "King Joe" in this clip from a "pro-American" propaganda piece from the 1940's. "King Joe" also represents the everyday working man just like our good ole' friend "Joe The Plumber". I told you he was a red herring thrown out there as bait for mindless voters & the media. Watch the video & you will see how "Joe The Plumber" came to be.

Friday, October 17, 2008

When Obama Was Called An Arab, John McCain Said Nothing Positive About Arabs!

Remember when that woman said Obama was an Arab? What was John McCain's response? He said,"No,ma'am! Obama's a good man. He's a decent man. But if you notice,he failed to say something positive about people of Arab descent. More importantly, I have heard not a bit of blather about it! Since my blog is about all issues, I felt it was important enough to talk about here. You know I'm sensitive to this kind of stuff. Anyway, this is a video has a clip of a documentary called, "Reel Bad Arabs". It shows how Hollywood has a history of making Arabs the bad guys in movies. There are also other documentaries on youtube that show how badly most have depicted Asians & Blacks.