Thursday, August 19, 2010

Dr. Laura's Black Caller Should Never Have Sought Her Advice!

After watching several interviews with Dr. Laura's caller,Nita "Jade" Hanson,I am in a total state of confusion.If she was a longtime fan of her show,why did Nita Hanson call Dr. Laura for advice? Because Ms. Hanson said that since Dr. Laura is not a minority she does not understand what it's like to be discriminated against because of the color of your skin.

So again,why would Ms Hanson seek the advice of someone who has shown that she is all for discriminating against others? How is it that Nita Hanson was surprised that Dr. Laura exposed her hatred of yet another minority? Dr. Laura has no idea what a black individual should be offended by! It's all just hypersensitivity to people like Dr. Laura because they are incapable of being sensitive.

As a fan of her show,how has "Jade" missed all of the controversial statements that Dr. Laura has made in the past? The only thing that Laura Schlessinger is the doctor of is hate.If Nita Hanson has said herself that "this isn't the first time",the question begs to be asked.Why the heck did you call her in the first place if you knew how hateful & insensitive Dr. Laura has already shown herself to be ,Ms. Hanson? It just seems totally illogical to me.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Dr. Laura Is A Racist!

Now, why would any Jewish person deem it okay to be racist? Haven't they been the victims of racism & persecution for centuries? But, that's exactly what the bigoted Dr. Laura(who is Jewish) has done!

Jewish folks protest against any signs of Antisemitism. So, why would Dr. Laura try to justify the use of the word "nigger" by whites to a black woman? Her excuse is that black guys call each other "nigger" so it's not really racist! Well, I've got a few derogatory words that some Jews find hilarious & other find to be offensive. Is it okay for me to use words like "Hymie"? Since I'm sensitive to the plight of Jews & their history, I wouldn't find it appropriate to do so.

Self deprecation is just that. Blacks make fun of themselves before others get the chance to do so. We try to take the sting out of hurtful words & stereotypes by making fun of them. I believe that Jewish people do the same thing. A fact that NewsBusters pointed out on their site:

"Next time you’re driving to work in your Bluetooth enabled BMW X5 be sure to pull up Gawker’s exclusive one stop category “the Jews” for all your favorite self deprecating Jewish humor.

Hits like “Hey, Hymie! Wanna get in on the best deal of the fall? Shh, c'mere. I've got a pair of tickets to the High Holiday services at Temple Emanu-El” will be sure to get them rolling on the floor around the water cooler at work.

When HR comes to haul your butt to the unemployment line make sure you explain yourself using Balk’s apology to Jews offended by his writing (filed under Heebie Jeebies).

Dear Jew,

We are sincerely sorry for offending your delicate Jew sensibilities. Yes, it's true, there are a few Jews here in the office—we've crunched the numbers, and four out of five Gawker editors have at least some Jew blood in them (not on them!)—and we do think that gives us the right to make Jew jokes. But you know what? None of us are Irish, thank God, and we still knock the micks every now and again. We're kinda of the opinion that the idea of ethnicity and its accompanying stereotypes are inherently hilarious. So, sure, we may not know a lot about life in Israel—do you guys still eat the Palestinian kids after your tanks run them over, or did you stop that once Rabin came into office? Do we still send Israel billions of dollars a year?—but, guess what, we think the comical ways in which your Jew country kowtows to the craziest Jew elements of crazy Jewiness could not be funnier. Hope that's okay!



For Gawker Media all is fair in the world of unabashed self deprecating humor. After all, Gawker represents the average Jew that works in New York media circles as explained by Alex Balk predecessor and current New York Magazine online editor Jesse Oxfeld.

The Gawker voice is that of the average New York media professional,” he said, “which, in a lot of ways, tends to mean Jewish — or at least Jewish-ish. There’s probably a willingness to make ‘We’re all friends here’ kinds of jokes. Part of the whole shtick is to explode and undermine stereotypes by employing them.”

Hah, funny. That explains just about everything I needed to know about the average media professional and the way the MSM reports on Israel. Keep in mind that Oxfeld was replaced by Balk to make Gawker more mainstream from what I hear. It’s ironic how these average media professionals go to such extents to explode old stereotypes by replacing them with new stereotypes that have become commonplace among this century’s latest generation of anti-Zionist detractors; many of them Jews themselves.

Balk himself is probably Jewish so that should make it all fine shouldn’t it? It’s no different than any other race that uses derogatory language in reference to themselves; at least not in the mind of unapologetic liberals who only answer to themselves in the depraved circles of like minded individuals. Besides, it’s Jew bashing for the sake of making a liberal point.

It may not matter to the progressive Jew but it should matter to corporations that wouldn’t allow these kinds of jokes as a matter of HR policy; unless of course they too share this point of view. It would also probably matter to the Balk’s of Lithuania and the rest of the Jews who fled the tide of rampant anti-Semitism during turn of the century Europe before World War I; not to mention those unlucky ones who didn’t quite make it out during World War II. After all, war was waged to snuff out those who murdered Jews in the name of stereotypes so the average media professional would be free to have their typical liberal notions." (END OF EXCERPT) Read the post in its entirety here.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Wow! The broad in this video is one sick puppy! Did you see how violently enraged she became when she couldn't get her chicken nuggets from McDonalds? Melodi Dushane is the 25-year old drunken psycho who needs to start attending AAA meetings as soon as she completes her 60 day jail term.

Here's more from CBS News:

"Melodi Dushane really likes McDonald's Chicken McNuggets. Like a lot.

A security video from a McDonald's in Ohio shows the 25-year-old woman punching two restaurant employees and smashing a drive-thru window because she couldn't get Chicken McNuggets before 10:30 a.m.

The tantrum caught on tape in Toledo earlier this year shows the customer reaching through the drive-thru window, slugging one worker and then another. She then grabs a bottle out of her car and tosses it through the glass window before speeding off.

It happened early on New Year's Day. Police say Dushane was angry that McNuggets weren't being served, because it was breakfast time.

The strictly upheld policy has long been the butt of jokes, including a priceless scene in the Adam Sandler movie "Big Daddy," but no one has taken it quite this far -- until now.

Dushane says she was drunk at the time. She was sentenced to 60 days in jail last month and ordered to pay McDonald's for the broken window."(END OF EXCERPT) Read the rest here.