Saturday, September 27, 2008

His Ploy To Trip Obama Up Backfired! Barack Obama Won Hands Down!!

This video exposes his hypocrisy by using his own words. The corporate media will not be "keeping them honest". And we all know the coverage of this election has not been "fair and balanced". Reporters are supposed to be impartial & neutral when they give the public information. Since that has not been the case, you have to use every source to gather the facts. You decide if it's credible or not. But watch this video because it's not propoganda. It's John McCain contradicting himself & being clueless.

I do not believe that Barack Obama should have been any more aggresive than he was last night. Critics said that he was too emotionally cool. What would have happened if he would have came across as angry like John McCain did? The general consensus would be that he was too risky. There are already a lot of white voters who claim they don't feel comfortable voting for a black man. Barack Obama displaying any level of rage would have been to his detriment. Remember, the black man has historically been portrayed as the "brute". His calm demeanor is exactly what is required to help him win & betray that stereotype of black men.

John McCain's suspended campaign was an attempt to throw Barack off his game. McCain knew that Obama was prepping for his debate & he wanted to limit those preparations. Another reason for this ploy was to have a reason why he didn't win the debate. McCain wanted to have the monopoly on the outcome. Some of the political pundits said that McCain was preoccupied with the bailout during the debate. As if that's why he didn't win the argument on foreign policy, which is supposedly his area of expertise. Remember that he said everyone should physically be at the negotiations until the bailout deal was done.

According to this article,(,John McCain now feels he can do it all by phone. What happened here? Oh, the debate is over so he no longer needs to create a distraction! Some people feel like his move to suspend his campaign was for a mulitude of reasons. All of them were strictly political & extremely divisive in a time of serious negotiations over the bailout. He claims to be bipartisan but he demonstrates strong partisanship. His pick of Sarah Palin goes against his claim of the need for experience or intelligence for that matter. I mean, did you see her interview with Katie Couric? She shouldn't be in this race at all & John McCain is well aware of that. This man puts "McCain First" instead of "Country First". Anyone that votes for this asshole over Obama better do some serious self reflection!!!

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