Showing posts with label john mccain. Show all posts
Showing posts with label john mccain. Show all posts

Monday, October 13, 2008

John Lewis Has A Right To Be Outraged By The Racism That McCain & Palin's Rhetoric Has Fueled!

John Lewis has been getting hammered by some political pundits due to his contribution to the national conversation. A whole lot of folks have speculated about what the true meaning is behind the references to terrorism that came from the McCain campaign. As a civil rights leader, I think he is one of the foremost experts on racism. Here is an excerpt taken from :

"As one who was a victim of violence and hate during the height of the Civil Rights Movement, I am deeply disturbed by the negative tone of the McCain-Palin campaign," Lewis said in a statement. "Sen. McCain and Gov. Palin are sowing the seeds of hatred and division, and there is no need for this hostility in our political discourse."
. "During another period, in the not too distant past, there was a governor of the state of Alabama named George Wallace who also became a presidential candidate. George Wallace never threw a bomb. He never fired a gun, but he created the climate and the conditions that encouraged vicious attacks against innocent Americans who were simply trying to exercise their constitutional rights. Because of this atmosphere of hate, four little girls were killed on Sunday morning when a church was bombed in Birmingham, Alabama," said Lewis.

He warned, "As public figures with the power to influence and persuade, Sen. McCain and Gov. Palin are playing with fire, and if they are not careful, that fire will consume us all. They are playing a very dangerous game that disregards the value of the political process and cheapens our entire democracy. We can do better. The American people deserve better." (end quote) Read the rest here; (

I think that it is obvious that he was not comparing McCain to George Wallace, as some disingenuous commentators have claimed. It was a jarring comparison to a time when racial hatred was loudly expressed & demonstrated frequently. He painted a picture with his words of just where this kind of rhetoric takes the country. His comments should be interpreted as a strong plea to John McCain to change the tenor of his campaign.

John McCain issued the following statement on his website:
" Congressman John Lewis' comments represent a character attack against Governor Sarah Palin and me that is shocking and beyond the pale. The notion that legitimate criticism of Senator Obama's record and positions could be compared to Governor George Wallace, his segregationist policies and the violence he provoked is unacceptable and has no place in this campaign. I am saddened that John Lewis, a man I've always admired, would make such a brazen and baseless attack on my character and the character of the thousands of hardworking Americans who come to our events to cheer for the kind of reform that will put America on the right track.

"I call on Senator Obama to immediately and personally repudiate these outrageous and divisive comments that are so clearly designed to shut down debate 24 days before the election. Our country must return to the important debate about the path forward for America." (end quote)

There is evidence that McCain's admiration for John Lewis was unknown to him. I found a great article at( Basically, it states that McCain may have evoked the name of John Lewis for political gain. This man has not offered any proof that he associates with any blacks other than John Lewis.This is an excerpt from the article that I just cited above :
Central in McCain's telling was John Lewis, a man of just 25 who was at the front of the march and absorbed the first blow. Millions of Americans, McCain noted, "watched brave John Lewis fall."

But even though McCain has now repeatedly cited Lewis as a role model and potential adviser, McCain has not established a relationship with the Georgia Democrat in the 22 years they have served in Congress together. At the time of McCain's Selma speech, a Lewis associate told my colleague David Corn that McCain has never been close to Lewis. Lewis was not told about McCain's speech in Selma in advance, nor was he invited to attend.

In response to McCain's latest invocation of his name, Rep. Lewis said in a statement requested by Mother Jones, "I cannot stop one human being, even a presidential candidate, from admiring the courage and sacrifice of peaceful protesters on the Edmund Pettus Bridge or making comments about it." But, he added, "Sen. McCain and I are colleagues in the US Congress, not confidantes. He does not consult me. And I do not consult him."

It took McCain years to fully embrace the goals that Lewis was fighting for on Bloody Sunday. In 1983, McCain voted against making Martin Luther King Jr.'s birthday a national holiday, in opposition to most members of Congress, including many of his Republican colleagues. In 1987, the governor of Arizona repealed the state's recognition of King; McCain supported the move. It was only in 1990, 25 years after Lewis marched in Alabama, when Arizona reversed its decision that McCain changed his own stance on the issue." (end quote)

Now that's a maverick for you! He stood up to his own party because he did not believe that one of the most exceptional black leaders in history, Dr. Martin Luther King, deserved a national holiday. Where was the admiration for Martin Luther King's great accomplishments in the civil rights movement? It's clear why most blacks won't vote for John McCain. He has a total disregard for us as a people. Actions speak much louder than words from the campaign trail. His track record with blacks is nonexistent. That's the reality!

McCain Says He'll "Whip" Obama In The Next Debate! And He Meant That "Respectfully"!

Does anyone remember the furor over Obama's usage of the phrase"lipstick on a pig"? John McCain said that Barack Obama knew "what he was doing" when he used that analogy to describe McCain's policies. He admitted that Barack Obama was not calling Sarah Palin a pig. John McCain said that Obama should have known that the inference would be that he was being literal. That whole fiasco has made me ponder quite a bit on what implications could be drawn from using the word "whip". After all, we do have a history of slavery in this country. No matter how much America wants to minimalize that part of it's past, the memories persist for blacks. The ramifications of slavery are still being processed by those of the black diaspora to this day. So, how insensitive is it of him to use such a word in what has become a racially charged atmosphere? Surely he knows that the white man used to brand & "whip" the black slave. But then, he goes on to say,"I want to emphasize again, I respect Senator Obama. We will conduct a respectful race, and we will make sure that everybody else does, too." (end quote)
Sounds great! But, McCain ought to consider his words more carefully. On the concerns of minorities, John McCain has been completely indifferent & mute. In an earlier post, I talked about how he did not show up for a debate, during the primaries, that dealt with minority issues. He just does not seem comfortable with other races whereas Obama is seen mingling with every race. It just made me really uneasy when he used that word "whip". Because not even 200 years ago McCain would have had the legal right to do so.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Barack Obama's Next Move Is To Release A Documentary About John McCain & Keating 5! I'm So Thrilled Because I've Been Talking About It Here!!!!

The shit's about to hit the fan! Pardon my profanity but I am absolutely elated that Barack Obama is going to do what the media has hinted at doing. Expose the Keating 5 scandal that I have been posting about recently!!! Read my posts because I am sync with the Obama campaign. I had hoped that he would release this information but he had to wait for the right opening to do it. Thanks to Sarah Palin's terrorist remarks about Obama he can counter their argument with this scandal from John McCain's past. This is the email that I received today which I have posted below. Read it & look at the video bar & slideshow. The video above is the preview of the documentary on John McCain! The hypocrisy that is John McCain must cease!

Hey --

In the middle of the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression, John McCain wants to change the subject from the central question of this election.

Perhaps that's because the policies McCain supported these past eight years are pretty hard to defend.

The Obama campaign put together a documentary about why John McCain's failed philosophy and poor judgment are a recipe for deepening the crisis.

Watch the preview now and share it with others:

Saturday, September 27, 2008

His Ploy To Trip Obama Up Backfired! Barack Obama Won Hands Down!!

This video exposes his hypocrisy by using his own words. The corporate media will not be "keeping them honest". And we all know the coverage of this election has not been "fair and balanced". Reporters are supposed to be impartial & neutral when they give the public information. Since that has not been the case, you have to use every source to gather the facts. You decide if it's credible or not. But watch this video because it's not propoganda. It's John McCain contradicting himself & being clueless.

I do not believe that Barack Obama should have been any more aggresive than he was last night. Critics said that he was too emotionally cool. What would have happened if he would have came across as angry like John McCain did? The general consensus would be that he was too risky. There are already a lot of white voters who claim they don't feel comfortable voting for a black man. Barack Obama displaying any level of rage would have been to his detriment. Remember, the black man has historically been portrayed as the "brute". His calm demeanor is exactly what is required to help him win & betray that stereotype of black men.

John McCain's suspended campaign was an attempt to throw Barack off his game. McCain knew that Obama was prepping for his debate & he wanted to limit those preparations. Another reason for this ploy was to have a reason why he didn't win the debate. McCain wanted to have the monopoly on the outcome. Some of the political pundits said that McCain was preoccupied with the bailout during the debate. As if that's why he didn't win the argument on foreign policy, which is supposedly his area of expertise. Remember that he said everyone should physically be at the negotiations until the bailout deal was done.

According to this article,(,John McCain now feels he can do it all by phone. What happened here? Oh, the debate is over so he no longer needs to create a distraction! Some people feel like his move to suspend his campaign was for a mulitude of reasons. All of them were strictly political & extremely divisive in a time of serious negotiations over the bailout. He claims to be bipartisan but he demonstrates strong partisanship. His pick of Sarah Palin goes against his claim of the need for experience or intelligence for that matter. I mean, did you see her interview with Katie Couric? She shouldn't be in this race at all & John McCain is well aware of that. This man puts "McCain First" instead of "Country First". Anyone that votes for this asshole over Obama better do some serious self reflection!!!

Friday, September 26, 2008

I'm Riveted to the T.V. Sizzling HOT Presidential Debate!!!!

Barack Obama definitely is on fire in this debate. There is more life in this argument & he is not as passive. John McCain is managing to control his anger & interject more refutes than Obama. This time I think that Obama will make sense to those who don't engage in such eloquent speech. During this awful time in America, simple talk is all folks are looking for. John McCain is known for talking in terms that every american can understand. Barack Obama has listened to some of the criticisms about his long-winded answers. He's being more direct & to the point than the prior debates. I'm going back to the television now. This is like the fuckin' superbowl for me. Should I enter into politics? I just may have discovered my true passion in life. This is exhilarating!!!!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Steve Doocy Is A Douche! Watch the Unfair & Unbalanced In Action!

C'mon guys,you're killing me over at the Fox channel. Steve Doocy is a goofy walkie-talkie for the Mccain campaign. His role at Fox should remain " weatherman". He is not well-versed on any subject at all. Why he is interviewing people is beyond me. He truly is a village idiot! My father is a liberal reporter who works for a radio station in Berkeley. He is a very opinionated individual who has been accused of being biased. But the entire radio station is not. You have differing views being prominently featured by the programmers of the shows. Apparently, Fox has a different view of what "fair & balanced" is.

In this video, you can see for yourself what happens when you give a democratic perspective on current issues. Your mike is cut off or they constantly interrupt you. I understand why Barack Obama gave Bill O'Reilly an exclusive interview during the republican convention. He wanted to deflect from John McCain's big speech. Kudos to him for making a play because this election is a game. This makes the old adage "life is a chess game" seem perfectly true. Witness John McCain's next bold "move" which was the subject of this one-sided debate,the suspension of his campaign.

Anyone with a brain can see that John McCain is not putting "country first". Neither is George Bush. Look how long he took to come out & talk to the country about the economic strife we are facing. When George Bush finally did, it was without any accountability on the major role he has played in the financial decline of America. These people are politicians first and that is being clarified by John McCain. He cares nothing about women's issues. Remember the infamous remark he made about his own wife, Cindy McCain? The one where he said she could be in a biker's beauty contest & be the first lady in the white house to have done so. Later, it was revealed that it is a topless contest. No retraction of his statement was ever made. But he is concerned that Sarah Palin is the victim of sexism. Yeah, right!

Americans who vote on the basis of color are fucking ignorant! I am african-american & female with a lot of issues that I want addressed. Equal pay for women, assistance for the poor, etc... These social problems have always been a democratic cause. My grandmother begged me to always vote as a democrat because they can affect change for blacks. This is the real reason why most blacks vote democratic. Quite frankly, I find it incredibly racist of those who claim blacks are simply voting for him because he is black. Blacks voted for Bill Clinton because they felt he would address their needs. John McCain didn't even think enough of blacks to recognize Martin Luther King's birthday as a national holiday. No matter what he says now. What is he doing to court the black vote? Nada! Blacks know that John McCain is not looking out for the whole country. Only his elite friends on Wall Street who he really did not want to regulate.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

The Consumate Politician Is John Mccain! Now He Cares About the Economy!

John McCain is significantly down in the national polls. Suddenly, the economy is a huge issue to him. Although he has maintained that the economy is not his forte, we are now supposed to believe he can rectify the situation. Congress cannot do it without the "maverick" & his opponent, Barack Obama , being present. Huh?!! I do not believe that John McCain is sincere about anything. I am a newly minted political junkie but even I can see that. This is a crafty move on his part which just proves how much of a reformer he is not!

Barack Obama is not trying to take the bait though. He is able to multi-task which is an important part of any job description. This debate is important to the American people because we have not heard enough from either one of them. The University Of Mississippi debates must proceed so that voters can deliberate. Voters are the ultimate jurors. We need as much evidence as possible to help us decide. The discussion the American people have had about Sarah Palin must cease. She is a huge factor but not the most important one. The differing resolutions to today's major issues need to be disputed by the candidates. Like most folks out here, I believe he is pulling a stunt. John McCain is an issue himself. He is an "elitist" because he thinks the Americans are stupid. If he wins the presidencey, he will be proven right.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Read This : How To Rig An Election by Allen Raymond

If you believe that I'm just crying racism because Barack Obama is black, think again. Paranoia has nothing to do with it. For blacks racism is a reality. Just look at today's news & if that's not convincing enough read this book. I am not trying to promote it. This guy is a despicable character with deep insight into the mechanisms of the republican party. He used to work for them. His job was to dissuade black voters from casting their vote. This book spells out the racism that still exists. Your civil rights as a black person are always in jeopardy. It just supports what many of us already know. In this election, republicans are try to employ a strategy that will exclude voters whose homes have been foreclosed in Michigan.
I'm also reading a book called " Bad News" by Tom Fenton. It's a introspective look at the load of bad information that is fed to the american public under the guise of "news". A look at how the media deliberately stayed away from stories that would upset the Bush administration. It covers how the media could have helped make the public aware of the terrorist threat before 9/11. In synopsis, this book exposes the fact that ratings are really all that matter. And what sells, folks?! Altogether now, SEX, DRUGS, VIOLENCE, & ROCK!

Friday, September 12, 2008

Real Questions That Make John Mccain Squirm Like A Weasel! This Is "The View" Of Most Women!

This is some of the best journalism that I've seen yet. I got to see John Mccain get confronted with the truth. He seemed to lose his train of thought when Joy called his campaign ads lies. Well, John Mccain anyone with a brain can see that you are trying to run with Obama's message for political gain! Your surrogate, Sarah Palin, can't even match Charles Gibson's intellect. And sir, you were out of your element on this show today! They called a spade a spade & you're not used to that. I just hope that we do not elect another liar to run America into the ground for 4 more years.

Politics this time around is about change & reform depending on the candidate who is elected. I think if you watch this you can decide for yourself if this is a "reformed" republican candidate. Someone who is going to come in & reform government so that life will be better for everyone. Or is this candidate only saying whatever he thinks will get him the presidency.

Lying politicians have always been an issue & is the reason why a lot of people do not vote. Especially those who are indigenous & believe change will never happen for them. Only the rich & their cronies seem to benefit or so they think. Ever since George Bush has been in office, I have made it my duty to cast my vote. Politics envelopes so many issues that directly affect everyone's lives. We cannot afford to let others make decisions for us in our day to day lives. Your vote helps make known to the electorate what your decision is for the next president of the U.S.

Obviously, this election is an issue that dominates my thoughts daily. I have become an information junkie who is constantly seeking more. That is how I form my opinions of the candidates. I do not let Sean Hannity or Keith Olberman sway me one way or another. Research these candidates. Ask yourself how a "community organizer" is at the same time "an elitist". I would think that John Mccain is so elite that he doesn't even concern himself with the amount of houses he owns. I doubt that he's ever helped or even stepped one foot into the poor communites around America. John Mccain & the rest of the republicans he wants to "reform" have too much disdain for the community. So they scoff at those who want to help the community! It figures.

Monday, September 1, 2008


I know I said that I would post a Hilary comment. Since it is the Republican convention this week, I thought I'd write about John Mccain instead. His VP pick warrants some discussion here as well. What was his reason for choosing her? Hilary Clinton's dumb ass supporters who would rather John Mccain win than Barack Obama. If you really shared her democratic viewpoints, you must ask yourself why? You obviously have not watched the man make some serious flubs that an intelligent man would not. He looks sinister & I fear for my family's well-being if he were to win. Thankfully, I do not think that he will prevail. The voters who claim that they need to make a informed decision really need to peep this video from youtube. Here he makes the case for me. I should not have to say any thing further but I will.

Do we really want a woman VP with the mindset of the most consertative man? She is pro-life which I am to a certain degree. I am pro-choice as well. I've known some women who choose to use abortion as a birth control method. Instead of consistently taking the pill, abstaining, or using condoms they get pregnant. One girl I knew had 5 abortions. I am definitely pro-life when I reflect on those types of abortions. But if you are the victim of rape or incest, you should have the right to choose. Well, if Sara Palin & John Mccain somehow succeed so will Roe V. Wade. Think about that! And Vote for Barack Obama!