Showing posts with label lies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lies. Show all posts

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Watch the Roland Martin Show For Real Information On Issues

With so much of the same types of biased coverage,it's refreshing to have Roland Martin on CNN. I am a person who could give a fuck about partisan views. There are barely any real news shows on television. If I want objectivity, I have to watch the local news. When I want republican insight I watch the Fox channel. For a more liberal view, I can depend on MSNBC. Cnn tries to interject the independent, republican, & democratic perspective on the issues.

A gem like Roland Martin would never be found on Fox. The black democrat, Juan Williams, is their fair & balanced voice. It is questionable how objective he really is. And what's really funny about Fox news is their motto. "We Report. You decide." I thought their motto was "We decide. You must agree." Sean Hannity, Bill O'Reilly, Neil Cavuto

Friday, September 12, 2008

Real Questions That Make John Mccain Squirm Like A Weasel! This Is "The View" Of Most Women!

This is some of the best journalism that I've seen yet. I got to see John Mccain get confronted with the truth. He seemed to lose his train of thought when Joy called his campaign ads lies. Well, John Mccain anyone with a brain can see that you are trying to run with Obama's message for political gain! Your surrogate, Sarah Palin, can't even match Charles Gibson's intellect. And sir, you were out of your element on this show today! They called a spade a spade & you're not used to that. I just hope that we do not elect another liar to run America into the ground for 4 more years.

Politics this time around is about change & reform depending on the candidate who is elected. I think if you watch this you can decide for yourself if this is a "reformed" republican candidate. Someone who is going to come in & reform government so that life will be better for everyone. Or is this candidate only saying whatever he thinks will get him the presidency.

Lying politicians have always been an issue & is the reason why a lot of people do not vote. Especially those who are indigenous & believe change will never happen for them. Only the rich & their cronies seem to benefit or so they think. Ever since George Bush has been in office, I have made it my duty to cast my vote. Politics envelopes so many issues that directly affect everyone's lives. We cannot afford to let others make decisions for us in our day to day lives. Your vote helps make known to the electorate what your decision is for the next president of the U.S.

Obviously, this election is an issue that dominates my thoughts daily. I have become an information junkie who is constantly seeking more. That is how I form my opinions of the candidates. I do not let Sean Hannity or Keith Olberman sway me one way or another. Research these candidates. Ask yourself how a "community organizer" is at the same time "an elitist". I would think that John Mccain is so elite that he doesn't even concern himself with the amount of houses he owns. I doubt that he's ever helped or even stepped one foot into the poor communites around America. John Mccain & the rest of the republicans he wants to "reform" have too much disdain for the community. So they scoff at those who want to help the community! It figures.