Sunday, September 21, 2008

Watch the Roland Martin Show For Real Information On Issues

With so much of the same types of biased coverage,it's refreshing to have Roland Martin on CNN. I am a person who could give a fuck about partisan views. There are barely any real news shows on television. If I want objectivity, I have to watch the local news. When I want republican insight I watch the Fox channel. For a more liberal view, I can depend on MSNBC. Cnn tries to interject the independent, republican, & democratic perspective on the issues.

A gem like Roland Martin would never be found on Fox. The black democrat, Juan Williams, is their fair & balanced voice. It is questionable how objective he really is. And what's really funny about Fox news is their motto. "We Report. You decide." I thought their motto was "We decide. You must agree." Sean Hannity, Bill O'Reilly, Neil Cavuto

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