Showing posts with label barack obama. Show all posts
Showing posts with label barack obama. Show all posts
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Ludacris Is Heavily Involved In The Political Arena! He's Going Up Against Sarah Palin To Try To Get His Candidate Elected!
Barack Obama has inspired a change in attitude in many young black men, such as hip-hop artist, Ludacris. Ever since Obama announced his historic intentions to become the president of the United States,he woke a lot of brothers up. Life is about more than women,cars,& money. The choices you make as a public figure can have ramifications far into the future.This time rappers made a positive difference in the black community by encouraging others to get out & vote! How come no one is talking about that? Thanks, in part, to such rap illuminaries as Jay-Z,Will I Am,Ludacris,& others,Barack Obama got elected. Make no mistake about it. If it wasn't for rappers showing their support for Obama, the African-American vote would not have been as great as it was. Rap appeals to the youth whose vote was sought by both candidates.Now, Ludacris is stomping for fellow Georgian,Democrat Jim Martin, to the U.S. Senate runoff.
Big up to the reggae artists who made musical endorsements,like Cocoa Tea. Here's his song,"Barack Obama"! It's a wonderful tune!
Monday, October 13, 2008
Malcolm X Is A Black Leader Who Tried To Instill Pride In Others
Can you believe that anyone would call Barack Obama a black nationalist? That's just not the vibe that I get from him. He is a peacemaker who is more comparable to Dr. Martin Luther King. If you want to know what real radicalism is, study the life of Malcolm X. He was revered by some & despised by so many. Reverend Jeremiah Wright does express views that are similar to Malcolm X. He was a true black revolutionary who had a lot of white people scared out of there wits. And some black people too. For those who don't understand what a black militant is, watch this man's life story. Then you will realize just how far-reaching it is say that Barack Obama is a black extremist.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
I Don't Believe That "Osama" Was Mistakenly Substituted For "Obama" On Voter's Ballots! This Is OUTRAGEOUS!

I hope you read my last post on racism in America. With this latest voting scandal, I wonder what was the purpose in the misspelling of Obama. Except to send a subliminal message to voters that says,"Wait! He may be a terrorist so mull it over before you check "Osama". This would seem like a deliberate attempt at sending a message to the subconscious of the voter. I really hope that I'm just being cynical. Watch the same "mistakes" being made on CNN & MSNBC! Is this all just a coincidence? You be the judge. Here's the link to the article about the latest mistake regarding the spelling of his name:
That picture I posted has the same incorrect spelling done purposely. My biggest trepidation about these incidents is that it's an attempt to use psychology on voters. How could these same mistakes be made in the media also? It just does not seem practical to me. The McCain/Palin ticket has been using the same methods. All the rhetoric about patriotism had one McCain backer telling him at a rally that Barack Obama is an Arab. Even he had to tell the lady that Barack Obama is a decent American. But, if you recall both Sarah Palin & him were calling him un-american. They have done their job of trying to create a bigger racial divide than there already was.Let's just hope the name association game doesn't triumph over the fact that Obama is not a terrorist. He was born in America & John McCain was born in Panama.
This is the exact passage from an article in the International Herald Tribune,
"McCain's likely nomination as the Republican candidate for president and the happenstance of his birth in the Panama Canal Zone in 1936 are reviving a musty debate that has surfaced periodically since the founders first set quill to parchment and declared that only a "natural-born citizen" can hold the nation's highest office.
Almost since those words were written in 1787 with scant explanation, their precise meaning has been the stuff of confusion, law school review articles, whisper campaigns and civics class debates over whether only those delivered on American soil can be truly natural born. To date, no American to take the presidential oath has had an official birthplace outside the 50 states.
"There are powerful arguments that Senator McCain or anyone else in this position is constitutionally qualified, but there is certainly no precedent," said Sarah Duggin, an associate professor of law at Catholic University who has studied the issue extensively. "It is not a slam-dunk situation."
That makes Barack Obama more of an American than John McCain. If the situation was reversed, I am certain this would be one of their numerous concerns about Obama. Because Obama is such a refined politician he has not stooped to that level. He has never questioned whether or not John McCain is a natural born American citizen. There is too much to sort out for the next president & the country that will elect him. We need to find out what both candidates positions are on the issues that affect all Americans. Let's stop dumbing this election down with outlandish claims & accusations. American people need facts about the economy. Give us the information that we so desire.
Monday, October 6, 2008
Barack Obama's Next Move Is To Release A Documentary About John McCain & Keating 5! I'm So Thrilled Because I've Been Talking About It Here!!!!
The shit's about to hit the fan! Pardon my profanity but I am absolutely elated that Barack Obama is going to do what the media has hinted at doing. Expose the Keating 5 scandal that I have been posting about recently!!! Read my posts because I am sync with the Obama campaign. I had hoped that he would release this information but he had to wait for the right opening to do it. Thanks to Sarah Palin's terrorist remarks about Obama he can counter their argument with this scandal from John McCain's past. This is the email that I received today which I have posted below. Read it & look at the video bar & slideshow. The video above is the preview of the documentary on John McCain! The hypocrisy that is John McCain must cease!
Hey --
In the middle of the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression, John McCain wants to change the subject from the central question of this election.
Perhaps that's because the policies McCain supported these past eight years are pretty hard to defend.
The Obama campaign put together a documentary about why John McCain's failed philosophy and poor judgment are a recipe for deepening the crisis.
Watch the preview now and share it with others:
Friday, October 3, 2008
John Ridley Is A Black Political Commentator With Some Advice For Obama

John Ridley is a contributor to one of my favorite blogsites, As an author & social commentator, he is often called upon in the media to offer his views. He has seen some areas that need improvement in Obama's campaign. He says that they need to be more pro-active instead of constantly being re-active. In his piece, he says that he is worried about that aspect of his campaign carrying over into his presidency. Here's the link to the full piece: This is for all those who think that all blacks just blindly follow Obama like he was the Pied Piper. We have questioned & will continue to examine him. That includes all the rest of the players. This piece is a good observation of some of the pitfalls that have hit the Obama campaign.
Friday, September 26, 2008
I'm Riveted to the T.V. Sizzling HOT Presidential Debate!!!!

Barack Obama definitely is on fire in this debate. There is more life in this argument & he is not as passive. John McCain is managing to control his anger & interject more refutes than Obama. This time I think that Obama will make sense to those who don't engage in such eloquent speech. During this awful time in America, simple talk is all folks are looking for. John McCain is known for talking in terms that every american can understand. Barack Obama has listened to some of the criticisms about his long-winded answers. He's being more direct & to the point than the prior debates. I'm going back to the television now. This is like the fuckin' superbowl for me. Should I enter into politics? I just may have discovered my true passion in life. This is exhilarating!!!!
Barack Obama Has Evoked the Passion That is True Hip Hop
What kind of game are these republicans playing? Fuck the partisan political bullshit that seems to be in full effect during these "negotiations". If the world economy is at stake, what the hell are you guys going back & forth about? Hash it out because it seems like another ploy to sway the election one way or another. Congressional leaders are working for their constituents,right? Then why are democrats & republicans blaming each other for the hold-up? Well,they want to make sure that one of the parties gets the credit for saving the economy.
Meanwhile, the American people must depend on the wealthy segment of society to bailout the filthy rich. I do not believe that anyone in congress is living paycheck to paycheck. Many of them own several house & cars. How can they truly sympathize with those who are on the verge of poverty? They have aligned themselves with too many corporate interests & the people lobbying for these corporations. And we're supposed to put our trust in Henry Paulson & his cronies to finally save the day. I am not sure if there is an honest politician left. Barack Obama hasn't been in Washington long enough to be completely muddied by dirty politics. He is a refreshing change that America so desperately needs.
The hip hop community has shown great support & interest in Barack Obama. Finally, we see someone in politics that speaks to our inner being. That's why so many rappers like Young Jeezy, Jay Z, & Kanye West support Barack Obama. They speak on the struggles of living in a war zone on a daily basis. No, I'm not talking about Iraq or Afghanistan. These war zones are described as "ghettos". Neighborhoods that look like the aftermath of war. Dilapidated houses & parks with drug paraphenilia scattered all over the ground. Black men fighting & killing each other in the on-going battle for street turf. Do you think that this is the quality of life that they seek? No, but it's the only success that they think they're capable of achieving. Barack Obama is an inspiration to black men & women stuck in poverty.BIG UP TO JAY Z FOR HIS PASSIONATE CALL FOR CHANGE TO A MASSIVE AUDIENCE! And I'm out!
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Steve Doocy Is A Douche! Watch the Unfair & Unbalanced In Action!
C'mon guys,you're killing me over at the Fox channel. Steve Doocy is a goofy walkie-talkie for the Mccain campaign. His role at Fox should remain " weatherman". He is not well-versed on any subject at all. Why he is interviewing people is beyond me. He truly is a village idiot! My father is a liberal reporter who works for a radio station in Berkeley. He is a very opinionated individual who has been accused of being biased. But the entire radio station is not. You have differing views being prominently featured by the programmers of the shows. Apparently, Fox has a different view of what "fair & balanced" is.
In this video, you can see for yourself what happens when you give a democratic perspective on current issues. Your mike is cut off or they constantly interrupt you. I understand why Barack Obama gave Bill O'Reilly an exclusive interview during the republican convention. He wanted to deflect from John McCain's big speech. Kudos to him for making a play because this election is a game. This makes the old adage "life is a chess game" seem perfectly true. Witness John McCain's next bold "move" which was the subject of this one-sided debate,the suspension of his campaign.
Anyone with a brain can see that John McCain is not putting "country first". Neither is George Bush. Look how long he took to come out & talk to the country about the economic strife we are facing. When George Bush finally did, it was without any accountability on the major role he has played in the financial decline of America. These people are politicians first and that is being clarified by John McCain. He cares nothing about women's issues. Remember the infamous remark he made about his own wife, Cindy McCain? The one where he said she could be in a biker's beauty contest & be the first lady in the white house to have done so. Later, it was revealed that it is a topless contest. No retraction of his statement was ever made. But he is concerned that Sarah Palin is the victim of sexism. Yeah, right!
Americans who vote on the basis of color are fucking ignorant! I am african-american & female with a lot of issues that I want addressed. Equal pay for women, assistance for the poor, etc... These social problems have always been a democratic cause. My grandmother begged me to always vote as a democrat because they can affect change for blacks. This is the real reason why most blacks vote democratic. Quite frankly, I find it incredibly racist of those who claim blacks are simply voting for him because he is black. Blacks voted for Bill Clinton because they felt he would address their needs. John McCain didn't even think enough of blacks to recognize Martin Luther King's birthday as a national holiday. No matter what he says now. What is he doing to court the black vote? Nada! Blacks know that John McCain is not looking out for the whole country. Only his elite friends on Wall Street who he really did not want to regulate.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Michael Warns Is Just Trying To Sell A Book!
What have you done for black people, Michael Warns? Except create division within your own race. We already have too many black sects, gangs, etc... in our community. Why do you hate Oprah Winfrey? She has actually been to Africa & has helped the poor. All you are doing is spewing the type of bullshit that the KKK does. So, who are you, really? A bigot who is using a black man's success to get your name out there. The only black person you want to support,sir, is yourself! I hope only the empty-minded people who buy into your senseless rhetoric buy your book.
That is the sole purpose of these disruptions & diversions that Michael Warns has been orchestrating. I cannot believe that he has more than the 10 followers who were protesting at the University of Miami. He sounds like the village idiot on his videos. The "points" he makes to convince us of the validity of his rants are not based on anything but bigotry. On his website, he claims that 33% of black women are really "Lilith". And that Oprah Winfrey is the devil. That says it all!
barack obama,
michael warns,
oprah winfrey
Monday, September 1, 2008
I know I said that I would post a Hilary comment. Since it is the Republican convention this week, I thought I'd write about John Mccain instead. His VP pick warrants some discussion here as well. What was his reason for choosing her? Hilary Clinton's dumb ass supporters who would rather John Mccain win than Barack Obama. If you really shared her democratic viewpoints, you must ask yourself why? You obviously have not watched the man make some serious flubs that an intelligent man would not. He looks sinister & I fear for my family's well-being if he were to win. Thankfully, I do not think that he will prevail. The voters who claim that they need to make a informed decision really need to peep this video from youtube. Here he makes the case for me. I should not have to say any thing further but I will.
Do we really want a woman VP with the mindset of the most consertative man? She is pro-life which I am to a certain degree. I am pro-choice as well. I've known some women who choose to use abortion as a birth control method. Instead of consistently taking the pill, abstaining, or using condoms they get pregnant. One girl I knew had 5 abortions. I am definitely pro-life when I reflect on those types of abortions. But if you are the victim of rape or incest, you should have the right to choose. Well, if Sara Palin & John Mccain somehow succeed so will Roe V. Wade. Think about that! And Vote for Barack Obama!
Do we really want a woman VP with the mindset of the most consertative man? She is pro-life which I am to a certain degree. I am pro-choice as well. I've known some women who choose to use abortion as a birth control method. Instead of consistently taking the pill, abstaining, or using condoms they get pregnant. One girl I knew had 5 abortions. I am definitely pro-life when I reflect on those types of abortions. But if you are the victim of rape or incest, you should have the right to choose. Well, if Sara Palin & John Mccain somehow succeed so will Roe V. Wade. Think about that! And Vote for Barack Obama!
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