Showing posts with label politics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label politics. Show all posts

Friday, September 26, 2008

Barack Obama Has Evoked the Passion That is True Hip Hop

What kind of game are these republicans playing? Fuck the partisan political bullshit that seems to be in full effect during these "negotiations". If the world economy is at stake, what the hell are you guys going back & forth about? Hash it out because it seems like another ploy to sway the election one way or another. Congressional leaders are working for their constituents,right? Then why are democrats & republicans blaming each other for the hold-up? Well,they want to make sure that one of the parties gets the credit for saving the economy.

Meanwhile, the American people must depend on the wealthy segment of society to bailout the filthy rich. I do not believe that anyone in congress is living paycheck to paycheck. Many of them own several house & cars. How can they truly sympathize with those who are on the verge of poverty? They have aligned themselves with too many corporate interests & the people lobbying for these corporations. And we're supposed to put our trust in Henry Paulson & his cronies to finally save the day. I am not sure if there is an honest politician left. Barack Obama hasn't been in Washington long enough to be completely muddied by dirty politics. He is a refreshing change that America so desperately needs.

The hip hop community has shown great support & interest in Barack Obama. Finally, we see someone in politics that speaks to our inner being. That's why so many rappers like Young Jeezy, Jay Z, & Kanye West support Barack Obama. They speak on the struggles of living in a war zone on a daily basis. No, I'm not talking about Iraq or Afghanistan. These war zones are described as "ghettos". Neighborhoods that look like the aftermath of war. Dilapidated houses & parks with drug paraphenilia scattered all over the ground. Black men fighting & killing each other in the on-going battle for street turf. Do you think that this is the quality of life that they seek? No, but it's the only success that they think they're capable of achieving. Barack Obama is an inspiration to black men & women stuck in poverty.BIG UP TO JAY Z FOR HIS PASSIONATE CALL FOR CHANGE TO A MASSIVE AUDIENCE! And I'm out!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

This woman should be proud of a historic moment in America but instead....

I hope that this black Clinton delegate realizes the dream is still very much in reach. She was very emotional & visibly disturbed that for the first time in history we have a black democratic candidate. This moment in history should be embraced by every American. I can identify with not only Barack but Michelle Obama as well. I never supported Hilary Clinton so I cannot relate to her pain. Why would she feel that only a rich white woman can enrich her life? What makes her think that Barack Obama will not make a difference on both the national & global level. This is a man with ties to Africa & America. He was schooled in Indonesia. And he can't think or make things happen for America internationally? What a crock!

This woman should take comfort that someone who can identify with her will be our next president. She claims to love Hilary so much because she can bring change to her life. Well, Barack Obama has already brought change to various underrepresented minorities by upgrading all of our status. Now, my son can actually do more than entertain the idea of being the next president of the United States of America!!! Kudos to Barack & Michelle Obama! And to the Clinton delegate who is so broken up about it, get with the positive change for Black America! Finally, Dr. Martin Luther King's dream has materialized into a burgeoning reality. The reconstruction era has finally begun almost two centuries after slavery ended. This country has had a brutal & bloody history regarding race. Now, the time is here where blacks & whites can finally be on somewhat of an equal playing field. Somehow, I do not believe Hilary Clinton could have made whites view blacks any differently. Barack Obama already has. Not only that he has given young black men a positive role model. Michelle Obama has given black women theirs as well. Like Jackie Kennedy Onassis, she will be a unforgettable first lady. She has sophistication,poise,style,intelligence,beauty,& grace. She is already a black female icon. I have never been more proud to be black then I am at this moment. Hopefully, this woman will come to her damn senses! VOTE FOR BARACK OBAMA!!!!!!!!!!!!