Showing posts with label foreclosure. Show all posts
Showing posts with label foreclosure. Show all posts

Saturday, September 20, 2008

$700 BILLION DOLLAR BAILOUT! They Better Include The Homeowners!

So, we Americans have reached a conclusion on a bailout. $700 Billion smackaroos over the next couple of years will be used to buy bad assets that stemmed from the mortgage crisis. There are no specifics on exactly what companies will receive a life jacket to keep from drowning in a ocean of debt. Well, how about us average joes out here pinching pennies to survive? The average hard-working tax-payer who got hit with rising gas prices. You know, the one who is facing foreclosure & job loss. Will we actually benefit from this decision? According to the democrats, we should.

Democrats want to find a way to keep homeowners in their homes. With an economy that's going through a severe downturn, I think it's what is needed. Some folks will benefit from this when they should not have. But these big companies like AIG did not want government regulations. They are benefiting from the bailout & their executives too. Even though they were greedy & made poor decisions. We need to do it to save the economy although I think we are just delaying matters. So if we can bailout greedy corporations, then we should be able to help out the middle class. And lastly, I would like to pose a question. Do you feel like the country is on the verge of becoming socialist? Leave a comment.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Read This : How To Rig An Election by Allen Raymond

If you believe that I'm just crying racism because Barack Obama is black, think again. Paranoia has nothing to do with it. For blacks racism is a reality. Just look at today's news & if that's not convincing enough read this book. I am not trying to promote it. This guy is a despicable character with deep insight into the mechanisms of the republican party. He used to work for them. His job was to dissuade black voters from casting their vote. This book spells out the racism that still exists. Your civil rights as a black person are always in jeopardy. It just supports what many of us already know. In this election, republicans are try to employ a strategy that will exclude voters whose homes have been foreclosed in Michigan.
I'm also reading a book called " Bad News" by Tom Fenton. It's a introspective look at the load of bad information that is fed to the american public under the guise of "news". A look at how the media deliberately stayed away from stories that would upset the Bush administration. It covers how the media could have helped make the public aware of the terrorist threat before 9/11. In synopsis, this book exposes the fact that ratings are really all that matter. And what sells, folks?! Altogether now, SEX, DRUGS, VIOLENCE, & ROCK!