Friday, September 26, 2008

This Ad Looks Like America! All Races Are Represented Here!

What does "country first" really mean to John McCain? I think it is code language for "vote for me because I'm white & Obama is black." The only black I've ever seen him with was Barack Obama when they decided to be bipartisan on 9/11! I never see him engaging with blacks at all.I guess we don't count because everyone assumes that all blacks contemplate matters with one big singular mind. Each one of us does not have an individual brain that allows us to process information independently. According to various polls, which we all know can be totally inaccurate, the majority of blacks are voting for Obama just because he's one of us. How incompetent are these pollsters & journalists? Do some damn real research before you make baseless statements!

John McCain has done nothing for the blacks in his own state. Here is the link to that story( Blacks of Arizona have had no relationship with him at all during his entire time as the senator of Arizona. He has turned down numerous offers from the NAACP to discuss issues with them. Of course, it's easy to profess that most blacks will practice reverse racism by voting for Barack Obama. African-Americans have had no problem voting for whites before. That's all this country has ever offered as choices for them. Those polls & reports on blacks voting for Obama is an attempt at dividing the masses. Since whites outnumber blacks, this is a subliminal call for whites to do the same.

Presidential candidates need to prove that they can relate to you. There have been very few presidents that blacks felt had their interests at heart. Why in the hell would I vote for John McCain? He does not seem to even like black people. No consideration for the black vote has been shown. The republican stance is that he shouldn't pander to us because we're not voting for him anyway. There is not this strong sense of black unity that the whole race feels. If blacks were so unified, why are there so many problems in the black community? Every black person is definitely not supporting Barack Obama. Every white person is not supporting John McCain. People are supporting the candidate who appeals to their sensibilities. You know, the one that they would want to kick back & share a beer with!

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