Showing posts with label naacp. Show all posts
Showing posts with label naacp. Show all posts

Friday, March 13, 2009

NAACP Says Blacks Were Forced Into Subprime Loans! Does Still Think That Blacks Are Viewed As Equals Now?

Has the euphoria over the election of President Obama died down enough for folks to realize that racism has not been conquered?The Oscar Grant killing,the NY Post chimp cartoon,& sub prime lending to mostly blacks are just a few examples of the racism that still exists.The NAACP is here to let the world know that these disparities are unacceptable.

On Valentine's Day of this year, wrote an interesting post after he was given a NAACP award by his "black community". Here's his post on the NAACP from The Huffington Post:

"in the 100 years of the existence of the NAACP and fighting for equality they are now victorious...

because a black man is in the white house...

built by slaves now run by a black president...

the battle was won

and now i ask this question...

what does the "C.P. " mean in the NAACP now?

today's definition is...


the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People

we have advanced to the highest seat in office...

the president...

we have advanced to oprah status...

we have advanced...


and now...

where do we go

i know we still have to fix mississippi, new orleans and our ghettos...

but what about the other colors...






and chinese?

if the NAACP fought so that a black man could be president in a country that practiced slavery...

then the NAACP should now stand and represent all people of color...

and fight to unite every version of "pigment"...

and lack of it...

the NAACP should now march and protect the most important colors of all...


"the planet"...

and "GREY"...

the mind...


equal education...

because no matter if you're black, white, blue or orange...

we all live on green...

and we all think with grey...

and what good is a united people if there is no green to live on...???

and what good is a united people if our grey is filled with nothingness...

i am so proud to have performed "take our planet back" at the NAACP image awards...

i am so proud to have use my grey and sing about green in a black gathering...

i am so proud to have performed that song on that night...

during this time in american history...

we have a new mission ahead of us...

we all have to rethink the priorities...

we all have to put our best foot forward and walk together...

all colors...

all the different versions of pigment...

and lack of it...

we all have to protect the important colors...

"green, and grey"

and i propose this new title to the NAACP...


the National Association for the Advancement of Consciousness and People

let's wake up..."(END OF EXCERPT)Read the rest here.

Well,,have you woken up yet? The NAACP has won the battle for all blacks to be considered & treated equally,according to you.But,what a crock of bullshit because everyone has not advanced past racism!People still think of folks in racial terms.

We're not the one's making disparaging remarks about whites in the media & putting mostly blacks in commercials,print,& film.It sounds as if you think that if blacks just made the effort,then there would be racial unity.Sorry,honey,but the NAACP ain't stopping the unification of the people of the United States! We aren't all treated or viewed equally in this Eurocentric society,as you seem to suggest.God,how I wish we all thought like you!I really,really do!

But,it's the way that we have been conditioned to think of each other since the formation of this country that needs to change.Not the NAACP!How can you change a family legacy of racial hatred? If you have been told that most blacks are stupid,shiftless,& lazy,you probably view President Obama as the exception.You're not going to believe or admit that generations of your family were bigots.That's why you've got folks who still love the Confederacy.It's a family tradition for them. asked what the role of the NAACP should be now,as if things have dramatically changed in this country.Thus far,the real big change has been in the color of the family that resides in the White House!Black folks are proud & inspired by this new chapter in American history.But,most of us are painfully aware that history repeats itself.And the following story emphasizes that point greatly!

Here's more on what the NAACP is doing to help the black victims of subprime mortages from CNN:

"In a statement, Wells Fargo spokeswoman Melissa Murray said, "The NAACP's allegations are totally unfounded and reckless. We have never tolerated, and will never tolerate, discrimination in any way, shape or form in any of our business practices, products or services."

She added that the company has been "working with the NAACP for the past two years to develop a partnership that would benefit the NAACP, its constituents and our communities, so we are dismayed that the NAACP has chosen to abandon that constructive dialogue in order to pursue this litigation."

Under subprime lending, people who don't qualify for lower interest rates can borrow money at higher rates. The NAACP argues that the companies gave subprime rates to African-Americans who qualified for better rates and gave better rates to white customers with similar credit histories.

The lawsuits note studies showing African-Americans have been disproportionately affected by subprime lending. But that's not solely because of intentional efforts to target African-Americans, according to the lawsuits.

"These statistical disparities are not mere happenstance, but instead result from the systematic and predatory targeting of African-Americans, as well as facially neutral lending policies and practices that have a disparate adverse impact on African-Americans," said the lawsuits, which were filed in U.S. District Court for the Central District of California.

The NAACP has launched similar suits against numerous other lenders. In its statement Friday, the nation's oldest civil rights group said, "One lender has already entered into a preliminary settlement agreement with the NAACP, and a number of other lenders are engaged in similar discussions."(END OF EXCERPT)Read the whole article here.

Who were the main victims of the sub-prime mortage crisis? African-Americans were!So much for the idea that Oprah & President Obama's successes signals the end of racism for all blacks!Tell that to the disproportionate amount of blacks who were given these really awful loans.No matter how hard some of us work,the cards are still stacked against us!I hate to be victimized by anyone,but as a black woman I know it's more than a reality.It's a probability!Let's truly address racism instead of trying to Will it away!

So,,the NAACP does not to be renamed or redefined.They should keep on fighting for equality & justice.GREENPEACE shouldn't fight for the rights of blacks,just like the NAACP shouldn't fight for a greener society.Each organization is needed to address the problems that they were formed to solve.NAACP does not need to redefine it's mission.Equality for all blacks has not been won. should be asking the Jewish,Korean,Filipino,& countless other communities why they feel the need to have a ethnic organization.Why is he singling out the NAACP? But more importantly,he should ask why we still have "whites-only clubs" & sundown towns!Why do folks still fly the confederate flag when they know it's insulting to most blacks? Here's more on the reality of racism from

"Right Under Our Nose

Loewen’s survey of this hidden-inplain- sight demographic landscape goes back to his undergraduate days at Carleton College in Northfield, MN. Some of his fellow students were from the area, and Loewen was shocked to hear them talk about the Minneapolis suburb of Edina, where it was proudly declared that there was “not one Negro and not one Jew.” Fast forward a few decades, and find Loewen in a convenience store in Anna, IL, which, according to a store clerk, stood for “Ain’t No Niggers Allowed.” And so began Loewen’s research on “sundown towns,” so named after the common practice of city limit signs that posted threatening messages warning African- Americans, and often other racial/ethnic groups, to leave town before sunset.

All-white” Legacies

The Illinois-born Loewen was surprised to find 472 such municipal jurisdictions in his native state and that outside of the south, such jurisdictions have been more the rule than the exception. And how did Loewen investigate this open secret, maintained by ordinance, intimidation, and even murder? His first step was to look at census data, excluding institutionalized African Americans and live-in servants, and follow all-white towns through the decades. Any town that was consistently all white, or saw a marked decline of the black population, went on what Loewen called his “suspect list.” Then Loewen would learn everything he could about that particular town’s historical racial makeup to determine if the population’s composition was likely the result of systematic policies versus chance demographics. His research also included examining published history, phone calls to local historians, and inperson interviews. Loewen extended his research on particular areas by interviewing African Americans in neighboring interracial communities. Accounts of cross-burnings, exclusionary legislation, mob violence, and other telling details within a town’s history helped confirm the sundown history of a particular place.

Exclusive without Excluding

Despite the incendiary nature of Loewen’s inquiry, he found most people were willing to talk, although he did get a door slammed in his face. “A few towns had a defensive response.” Upon publication, the reaction has been more astonished than antagonistic, although African Americans tend to be less surprised. “People are amazed to learn how many sundown towns there have been in America,” he states. “People are sometimes amazed that they still live in one.” That’s why, according to Loewen, “we need to clean up every last sundown town in America.” His recommendation to these towns is for them to admit to their history, apologize for it, and make clear that African Americans are now welcome. “After all,” Loewen adds, “George Wallace did those three things before he died, so we can certainly expect that from sundown towns.” Loewen notes the strong correlation between racial composition and prestige in certain places—that is, the greater prestige, the lower the presence of African Americans. Places like Edina, MN, Darien, CT, and La Jolla, CA, “want to be known as ‘exclusive’ and not ‘excluding,’ or racist or classist,” Loewen argues, but exposing these towns is one way “to decrease their prestige and decouple racism from prestige.”(END OF EXCERPT)Read the rest here.

Friday, September 26, 2008

This Ad Looks Like America! All Races Are Represented Here!

What does "country first" really mean to John McCain? I think it is code language for "vote for me because I'm white & Obama is black." The only black I've ever seen him with was Barack Obama when they decided to be bipartisan on 9/11! I never see him engaging with blacks at all.I guess we don't count because everyone assumes that all blacks contemplate matters with one big singular mind. Each one of us does not have an individual brain that allows us to process information independently. According to various polls, which we all know can be totally inaccurate, the majority of blacks are voting for Obama just because he's one of us. How incompetent are these pollsters & journalists? Do some damn real research before you make baseless statements!

John McCain has done nothing for the blacks in his own state. Here is the link to that story( Blacks of Arizona have had no relationship with him at all during his entire time as the senator of Arizona. He has turned down numerous offers from the NAACP to discuss issues with them. Of course, it's easy to profess that most blacks will practice reverse racism by voting for Barack Obama. African-Americans have had no problem voting for whites before. That's all this country has ever offered as choices for them. Those polls & reports on blacks voting for Obama is an attempt at dividing the masses. Since whites outnumber blacks, this is a subliminal call for whites to do the same.

Presidential candidates need to prove that they can relate to you. There have been very few presidents that blacks felt had their interests at heart. Why in the hell would I vote for John McCain? He does not seem to even like black people. No consideration for the black vote has been shown. The republican stance is that he shouldn't pander to us because we're not voting for him anyway. There is not this strong sense of black unity that the whole race feels. If blacks were so unified, why are there so many problems in the black community? Every black person is definitely not supporting Barack Obama. Every white person is not supporting John McCain. People are supporting the candidate who appeals to their sensibilities. You know, the one that they would want to kick back & share a beer with!