Friday, October 10, 2008

Is James T. Harris Really A McCain Supporter?!! Really???

This is the John McCain supporter that I was speaking of in the last post! Is this guy serious? If I did not like Barack Obama , I just would not vote period! What does this guy think that McCain will do for minorities? During the republican primaries, he didn't show up at two events that addressed the concerns of minorities. Maybe this guy thinks he's part of the majority. John McCain will only help those who don't need it. The uppercrust of society has been his focus during this election. I would love to talk to Mr. Harris about his passion for McCain. It's mind-boggling to me! But at least John McCain was finally pictured with a black person. Not only that, they actually embraced. Mr. Harris better savor that hug from McCain because that's the only love he'll get from him. In fact, that's the most love he's shown the black community during this entire election!

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