Friday, October 10, 2008

Jesse Jackson Jr. Says That The ACORN Scandal Is Really About Poor People Voting!

With all the negative publicity that ACORN is receiving, I thought I'd give you a different perspective on this organization.Watch the video.
Read this article:

Jesse Jackson Jr. makes an excellent point about this voter registration fraud scandal that involves ACORN(Association of Community Organization for Reform Now). He said:
"Why are they after ACORN? Well, I'm sure they're going to come up with a lot of "reasons" in the coming days. But the real reason is obvious: Because ACORN, along with Project Vote, just announced that they had successfully registered 1.3 million poor people this year.

Get that? 1.3 million, including 148,000 in Pennsylvania, 152,000 in Florida, 217,000 in Michigan, and 238,000 in Ohio. No wonder the GOP is up in arms. They're scared of too many poor people preparing to vote this year."

Jesse Jackson Jr. also recounted his knowledge of the history of voter fraud. He made the point that no fraud has actually been committed until the fake registrant votes. So far, none of these fake people have shown up to vote. Where was this outrage 4 years ago? It all just seems like a bogus claim to me. They don't want the disaffected to cast a vote. Especially not close to a million of them. All votes should be legitimate this time around. When McCain loses, expect a demand for a recount. We should all anticipate a concerted effort by the republicans to steal the election from Obama. They've done it before & we all know that history repeats itself. So much for reform, John McCain!

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