Monday, February 16, 2009

Lenny McAllister Is A Republican Political Commentator That Isn't Pushing The Same Right-Wing Talking Points!

Even Lenny McAllister doesn't like the way Juan Williams talked about Michelle Obama & Black America! Which is unusual considering the way that black conservatives talk about their own race!Normally,they claim that most black underachievers are completely at fault for their lack of progress.That is true in some cases,but not all!And denying or ignoring that fact is not the way to achieve equality & progress in America!

Too many black republicans make a name for themselves by supporting the same old right-wing talking points.I just read an entire book called,"Black Rednecks and White Liberals" that was written by yet another history revisionist,Thomas Sowell.It is a compilation of essays in which Mr. Sowell attempts to support all of the right-wing propaganda by revising history.But,the irony is that he claims throughout the entire book that African-American history has been revised so that the present-day "black rednecks" can "blame America" for their social ills.Sound familiar? It's the same revisionist history that Star Parker,Thomas Sowell,Juan Williams,& other black conservatives love to engage in!

But,one black conservative is disgusted & refuses to resort to these types of tactics.Lenny McAllister has separated himself from the pack in this column from Black Voices:

"Mr. Williams' ambiguity of political affiliation aside, his regular appearances on Fox's "Fox News Sunday" and The O'Reilly Factor paint him as a conservative in the eyes of most Black people. His criticism of Michelle Obama (not his first) serves as the symbol of contrast between Black conservative thought and the gist of African-American thought: namely, that Black conservatives have lost their ability to relate to a genuine Black experience in America, regardless of socioeconomics.

I disagree. After all, driving while Black, voting while Black, and shopping while Black – among some other transcendent experiences – happen to Black people everywhere throughout America, despite Mr. Obama's new digs on Pennsylvania Avenue and Steele's new position in the RNC.

Williams also offered many by saying that "...her (Mrs. Obama's) first instinct is to...'blame America', you know, 'I'm the victim..."

Although Black America will never get ahead by fostering a victim mentality, it is also troubling to hear a leading national Black talking head voicing an opinion that seems to trivialize the racial challenges that still exist in our country.

James Byrd, Jr . wasn't murdered in the 1950s. He died during the last Democratic presidency. Jonny Gammage and Abner Louima weren't accosted by police officers in North Carolina and Mississippi of the 19th century. They suffered in urban America within my lifetime – and probably yours as well.
Barack Obama was elected president the night of November 4, 2008. By dawn, racial epithets about the 44th president were found in several public places throughout America.

Pointing out disparities and addressing the injustices still found in an image-driven America (and the racial consequences that come with that) from the White House pulpit doesn't make Mrs. Obama some nouveau Carmichael. In fact, it makes her a girl-gone-good from the south side of Chicago that has a chance to make America better by presenting the shared perspective of many from a unique position of influence – a perspective that both Black liberals and conservatives can relate to.

After all, having a "R" or a "D" after your name doesn't matter when you're DWB (driving while Black) in the middle of the night.

Playing victim and remembering one's history doesn't have to be the same thing, especially when hoping for change for the better."(END OF EXCERPT)Read the entire article here.

Look at how Thomas Sowell tried to scare voters away from Barack Obama in this video!He is obviously selling right-wing talking points to the fullest!And to think that this man is an extremely intellectual man who is considered an expert on everything from economics to ethnicity!Why does he use his intellect to aid those who seek to create an even bigger racial divide in America? It's perplexing to me!

That's why I've posted a black conservative's commentary that I could relate to.Lenny McAllister is telling it like it really is! Thanks for doing that!

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