Monday, February 16, 2009

Why Was President Obama Picture Removed From A U.S. Air Force Commissary?

Some people in Colorado just can't get that they need to respect our new president,irrespective of the color of his skin!Apparently,some customers of a U.S. Air Force commissary didn't think that it was appropriate to have President Obama's picture on a President's Day sign near the entrance.Now,they claim that this day celebrates past presidents,not the present one.Really? That sounds like a bogus ass excuse to me!These people are as transparent as folks would like our government to be!This is a case of racism.And I'm not alone in that opinion.Here's more from The Gazette:

"President Barack Obama's picture was removed this week from a Presidents Day sign at the Peterson Air Force Base commissary after customers complained that the image did not fit the holiday commemorating the birthdays of past presidents George Washington and Abraham Lincoln.

The head of the local NAACP and a commissary employee say it was blatant racism.

The picture of the first black president accompanied a sign near the entrance listing the government-run military grocery store's operating hours on for Presidents Day. The store will be open from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. Employees took the sign down after customers complained that the holiday wasn't about the current president, according to the Defense Commissary Agency, which oversees the base grocery stores.

Rosemary Harris, president of the local branch of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, said something more sinister was afoot.

"It bodes poorly for the progress that we hoped we would see in this country; we might have taken one step forward but we see many steps being taken backwards," she said Friday.

A cashier at the commissary who did not want her name used said pictures of past presidents, including George W. Bush and Bill Clinton, have accompanied the Presidents Day closure sign.

One customer, a military retiree, objected this year because of Obama's race, the cashier said.

"He said they're not going to have no black man on the window where he shops," the cashier said."(END OF EXCERPT)Read the rest here.

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