Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Read This : How To Rig An Election by Allen Raymond

If you believe that I'm just crying racism because Barack Obama is black, think again. Paranoia has nothing to do with it. For blacks racism is a reality. Just look at today's news & if that's not convincing enough read this book. I am not trying to promote it. This guy is a despicable character with deep insight into the mechanisms of the republican party. He used to work for them. His job was to dissuade black voters from casting their vote. This book spells out the racism that still exists. Your civil rights as a black person are always in jeopardy. It just supports what many of us already know. In this election, republicans are try to employ a strategy that will exclude voters whose homes have been foreclosed in Michigan.
I'm also reading a book called " Bad News" by Tom Fenton. It's a introspective look at the load of bad information that is fed to the american public under the guise of "news". A look at how the media deliberately stayed away from stories that would upset the Bush administration. It covers how the media could have helped make the public aware of the terrorist threat before 9/11. In synopsis, this book exposes the fact that ratings are really all that matter. And what sells, folks?! Altogether now, SEX, DRUGS, VIOLENCE, & ROCK!

Lynn de Rothschild Is Not Supporting Barack Obama? He 's too Elite for an Elitist such as her!

The Los Angeles Times did an article on the hypocrisy of this woman's rationale about her support of John Mccain. Basically they discussed her immense wealth & how elite her family is. She really is not talking about Barack Obama's snobbiness. Let's be clear on just how far up the echelon she is in society. She is mired in finance & power. It is apparent that Barack Obama's change message is identical to Hilary Clinton. So what's her real beef with Obama? Could it be that he is black?
The L.A Times alluded to that. At the end of their article they posed a rhetorical question? Instead of "elite", Lynn Rothschild probably meant "uppity". And we all know that word is used to refer to negroes who don't stay in the place that society has carved out for them. Whenever we move up the echelons of society, there are roadblocks that people try to put in place. Lynn Rothschild is so transparent in her attempt to put up a roadblock. Because she is a hypocrite an a elitist, it is obvious what she is trying to do. She is not a real democrat. She is going from Clinton to Mccain. People with two different philosophies about governing.
People we can pretend that racism is a minor problem. As an african-american female I know that is still a prevalent issue. The key to surviving amongst racism is to ignore it. It has worked for me in work situations. Barack Obama is turning a blind eye to racism which is the only way he will get elected. The truth hurts & people simply do not care to hear it. So I won't waste another word on this transparent hypocrite!

Check Out " Traces of the Trade" For Accurate American History!

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I had to post this follow-up to the entry regarding reparations. Silas Muhammed has some validity in his diatribe against Barack Obama. He discussed reparations & his disdain for Obama because he does not support it. Many may wonder why that is still an issue. I think I found a great documentary that reveals the answer. The producer/director of this film is Katrina Browne. This is the story of her white forefather's extensive connection to slavery. It is called "Traces of the Trade" & just follow the link to the website.

This film traces the DeWolf family's history as the largest slave-trading family in U.S history. Myths about slavery are dispelled when it is revealed that Katrina Browne's ancestors were Northerners. I believe in doing research to back up what I am saying. In my next posting, companies with a history in the slave trade (JP Morgan) will be listed. The descendants of those in the business of owning & trading slaves have benefited greatly. U.S history & economy lessons never discuss the existing corporations that were part of this brutal history. You will only learn the real story through viewing documentaries such as this.

How can black americans reconcile themselves to the fact that the effects from slavery on whites is far different than blacks? Slavery has played a role in the financial status of many white families of America. The ones from " old money" are sometimes from " slave or blood,sweat,& tear money. These families are no different than the children of murderous mafia dons or drug lords. Your money is blood money. It was acquired under the most inhumane conditions that one could imagine. Please watch this film no matter what color you are. It explains the dissent between blacks & whites that persist until this day. America cannot restore the traditions, cultures, community, or anything else that was lost in slavery. But in order to move on, you must know your past. There is a lost sense of pride in knowing your ancestry when you are an african-american. It is similar to those who have been adopted & are desperately seeking their real identity. Except all the records concerning your family have disintegrated into the dust long ago. That feeling of total loss & being incomplete as a person is present in many descendants of slaves. Meditate on that & check out this film.