Friday, October 3, 2008

John Ridley Is A Black Political Commentator With Some Advice For Obama

John Ridley is a contributor to one of my favorite blogsites, As an author & social commentator, he is often called upon in the media to offer his views. He has seen some areas that need improvement in Obama's campaign. He says that they need to be more pro-active instead of constantly being re-active. In his piece, he says that he is worried about that aspect of his campaign carrying over into his presidency. Here's the link to the full piece: This is for all those who think that all blacks just blindly follow Obama like he was the Pied Piper. We have questioned & will continue to examine him. That includes all the rest of the players. This piece is a good observation of some of the pitfalls that have hit the Obama campaign.

Person With Issues : Bill O'Reilly

I have three powerful words for Bill O'Reilly,ANGER MANAGEMENT CLASSES! Your anger is a little too explosive for someone who won't be hurt by this economic crisis. Like you said,Bill,you've got money in the bank. Fox news has been digging for ways to indict the democrats over this. Really, it's George Bush's fault. This war in Iraq has cost this country billions. That has been in the news for a long time before the mortgage crisis hit. We've faced a recession before under George Bush's watch. It just has not been anything of this magnitude. C'mon, Bill O'Reilly. Let's see you do a rant about how despicable George Bush is. Now that would be fair & balanced.

Frankly, Mrs. Palin I'm ANNOYED!! Gosh Darnitt, Americans Are Not Stupid!!

Oh what, the heck?!! Who needs an education & proper english when they go on a interview for a job? Sarah Palin talked improperly & skirted the questions in that debate! If you want to talk directly to the people, you should've answered Gwen Ifill's queries. The country was listening intently. Don't blame the "media filter" for your inadequacies, Ms. Palin! The American people are not that friggin' stupid,lady! I thought that candidates were supposed to be under a microscope if they're applying for one of the top positions in America. The Vice President of the United States is a job that requires the right credentials. Do we really give a flying "you-know-what" that Sarah Palin is "annoyed" by that?
Katie Couric does not have to cater to John McCain's agenda & I praise her for having the journalistic integrity that others don't possess. Ms.Couric barely asked Sarah Palin the "tough" questions that so many Republicans have accused of her asking. Like George Bush, she just doesn't know enough. I don't have confidence in John McCain's intellect & decision making either. Barack Obama knows constitutional law as an attorney & he is a Harvard graduate. The comparisons to Sarah Palin are demeaning. It is Joe Biden that she is running against. She doesn't even measure up to him. This is no savvy woman of great intellect. This is a woman talkin' to "Joe Six-Pack". She's above going on "Meet the Press" & any other show that will expose her intellectual deficits. The American people don't need intelligent leaders. According to Palin & McCain, we just need someone who talks like a small-town hick. News flash,Sarah!
There are some uneducated individuals who may find that "folksy" stuff to be charming. The same folks find educated people to be "elitists". And we wonder what's wrong with the education system in America. Look at the examples that the country's leader has set for the past 8 years! George Bush is about as dumb as they come. I don't want to see any more "likeable people" who are just like you or me. What we should all want is a congenial person with a intellect that well surpasses that of the average Joe. Gosh darnitt, say it ain't so?! Yep, that would be Barack Obama if you didn't know! Darn,right!!