Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Will This Debate Have Any Memorable Moments?? The Last One Was A Total Snooze!

I love dramatic moments on television. The first presidential debate between Obama & McCain was only interesting because Barack Obama has a lot to prove. The second debate was really tedious for me to watch. My mother & I talked through the whole thing! We were amazed at the mind-numbing questions the audience asked. I mean, Tom Brokaw looked so unexcited to be the moderator that it was really quite funny. Since both candidates regurgitated their stump speeches,I was completely unimpressed with the "debate". It should have been called a parley. So, here is a video that shows some of the best moments in past debates. Tonight,it is extremely important to McCain supporters for him to bring up all of Barack Obama's scandals. I'm in the tank for Obama anyway so it doesn't matter to me. But for those who are undecided, McCain better get a good grasp on the issues. Another uninformative debate may be the nail in McCain's political coffin.

Good Compilation Of Fox New's Constant Displays Of Racism

BraveNews compiled this video that shows the Fox channel for what it really is. A racist organization that is unabashedly proud of their racism. Every single show on that channel has had a racist moment. With their xenophobic guests & hosts, it is hard to understand why any minority would ever commentate on Fox. Let alone be a Fox contributor!Dr. Marc Lamont Hill is a respectable accomplished black man who Fox uses to give the black perspective on topics. I'm not sure why he chose to be associated with Fox. Look at this video & you will see the obvious disdain for blacks that is demonstrated daily on various Fox shows.

James T. Harris Is A Conservative Radio Talk Show Host! He Probably Wanted To Increase His Ratings!!

James T. Harris went on CNN to explain why he supported John McCain. Well, guess what? He gave no reason at all. What he did was argue with Shelley Wynter who is another black conservative. Now, that really makes me believe that he is just going against the status quo. He knows that creating controversy gets the attention of the media. Any black person who is outspoken about his support for John McCain will draw plenty of press. And that my friends is his true motive. He can't give a straightforward retort to Mr. Wynter simply because he does not have one. This is just a cheap self-marketing ploy & it worked. I just saw James T. Harris debating Dr. Marc Lamont Hill on Fox. The station that employs commentators like Bill O'Reilly & Sean Hannity just to name a few. So, good job Mr. Harris! You just extended your 15 minutes of fame!