Thursday, October 9, 2008

Is The McCain/Palin Rhetoric Intended To Incite Rage? If Not, That's What They Are Doing!

It's deeply infuriating to be viewed as a whole race. God created individuals. Man created race. I am black & people have preconceived notions about me before I utter one single word to them! On far too many instances, my character has been assassinated simply because of the tone of my skin.The assumptions have already been made about me in a racist mind. What are these preconceived notions that I speak of? For the impoverished black, you must be uneducated, promiscuous,dishonest,& just plain lazy. You may be a victim of circumstance when you are poor. In the mind of a bigot, you are the reason for your situation being so dire. And if you are an educated black person you must have an angle. What might these angles be in the mind of a racist? Well,if you're concerned about the plight of the black man or woman you are deemed a communist. You are a radical liberal if you speak out on the travails of the poor. You are a socialist when you want to implement programs to help struggling communities. At least in the putrid mind of the racist individual.
Who do I conceptualize when I think of a race hater? The trivial minded McCain supporters that are shown in this video are the perfect illustration. Lately, they have been yelling out hateful comments at these rallies due to the atmosphere that the McCain ticket has fashioned. It almost feels like a KKK gathering rather than a campaign rally! That was until I finally saw a black McCain supporter stand up & demand more aggression from him. I don't know if he is an artificial enthusiast or not. What was apparent was that this was the only black person that I saw there. John McCain & Sarah Palin can see that they are inciting anger with their rhetoric. They should not only abandon these divisive tactics but it is imperative that they condemn these insulting remarks!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Before we make a choice we may regret for the next four years, the accusations against Barack Obama should be carefully considered, as they are here.