Friday, September 26, 2008

Barack Obama Has Evoked the Passion That is True Hip Hop

What kind of game are these republicans playing? Fuck the partisan political bullshit that seems to be in full effect during these "negotiations". If the world economy is at stake, what the hell are you guys going back & forth about? Hash it out because it seems like another ploy to sway the election one way or another. Congressional leaders are working for their constituents,right? Then why are democrats & republicans blaming each other for the hold-up? Well,they want to make sure that one of the parties gets the credit for saving the economy.

Meanwhile, the American people must depend on the wealthy segment of society to bailout the filthy rich. I do not believe that anyone in congress is living paycheck to paycheck. Many of them own several house & cars. How can they truly sympathize with those who are on the verge of poverty? They have aligned themselves with too many corporate interests & the people lobbying for these corporations. And we're supposed to put our trust in Henry Paulson & his cronies to finally save the day. I am not sure if there is an honest politician left. Barack Obama hasn't been in Washington long enough to be completely muddied by dirty politics. He is a refreshing change that America so desperately needs.

The hip hop community has shown great support & interest in Barack Obama. Finally, we see someone in politics that speaks to our inner being. That's why so many rappers like Young Jeezy, Jay Z, & Kanye West support Barack Obama. They speak on the struggles of living in a war zone on a daily basis. No, I'm not talking about Iraq or Afghanistan. These war zones are described as "ghettos". Neighborhoods that look like the aftermath of war. Dilapidated houses & parks with drug paraphenilia scattered all over the ground. Black men fighting & killing each other in the on-going battle for street turf. Do you think that this is the quality of life that they seek? No, but it's the only success that they think they're capable of achieving. Barack Obama is an inspiration to black men & women stuck in poverty.BIG UP TO JAY Z FOR HIS PASSIONATE CALL FOR CHANGE TO A MASSIVE AUDIENCE! And I'm out!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Steve Doocy Is A Douche! Watch the Unfair & Unbalanced In Action!

C'mon guys,you're killing me over at the Fox channel. Steve Doocy is a goofy walkie-talkie for the Mccain campaign. His role at Fox should remain " weatherman". He is not well-versed on any subject at all. Why he is interviewing people is beyond me. He truly is a village idiot! My father is a liberal reporter who works for a radio station in Berkeley. He is a very opinionated individual who has been accused of being biased. But the entire radio station is not. You have differing views being prominently featured by the programmers of the shows. Apparently, Fox has a different view of what "fair & balanced" is.

In this video, you can see for yourself what happens when you give a democratic perspective on current issues. Your mike is cut off or they constantly interrupt you. I understand why Barack Obama gave Bill O'Reilly an exclusive interview during the republican convention. He wanted to deflect from John McCain's big speech. Kudos to him for making a play because this election is a game. This makes the old adage "life is a chess game" seem perfectly true. Witness John McCain's next bold "move" which was the subject of this one-sided debate,the suspension of his campaign.

Anyone with a brain can see that John McCain is not putting "country first". Neither is George Bush. Look how long he took to come out & talk to the country about the economic strife we are facing. When George Bush finally did, it was without any accountability on the major role he has played in the financial decline of America. These people are politicians first and that is being clarified by John McCain. He cares nothing about women's issues. Remember the infamous remark he made about his own wife, Cindy McCain? The one where he said she could be in a biker's beauty contest & be the first lady in the white house to have done so. Later, it was revealed that it is a topless contest. No retraction of his statement was ever made. But he is concerned that Sarah Palin is the victim of sexism. Yeah, right!

Americans who vote on the basis of color are fucking ignorant! I am african-american & female with a lot of issues that I want addressed. Equal pay for women, assistance for the poor, etc... These social problems have always been a democratic cause. My grandmother begged me to always vote as a democrat because they can affect change for blacks. This is the real reason why most blacks vote democratic. Quite frankly, I find it incredibly racist of those who claim blacks are simply voting for him because he is black. Blacks voted for Bill Clinton because they felt he would address their needs. John McCain didn't even think enough of blacks to recognize Martin Luther King's birthday as a national holiday. No matter what he says now. What is he doing to court the black vote? Nada! Blacks know that John McCain is not looking out for the whole country. Only his elite friends on Wall Street who he really did not want to regulate.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

The Consumate Politician Is John Mccain! Now He Cares About the Economy!

John McCain is significantly down in the national polls. Suddenly, the economy is a huge issue to him. Although he has maintained that the economy is not his forte, we are now supposed to believe he can rectify the situation. Congress cannot do it without the "maverick" & his opponent, Barack Obama , being present. Huh?!! I do not believe that John McCain is sincere about anything. I am a newly minted political junkie but even I can see that. This is a crafty move on his part which just proves how much of a reformer he is not!

Barack Obama is not trying to take the bait though. He is able to multi-task which is an important part of any job description. This debate is important to the American people because we have not heard enough from either one of them. The University Of Mississippi debates must proceed so that voters can deliberate. Voters are the ultimate jurors. We need as much evidence as possible to help us decide. The discussion the American people have had about Sarah Palin must cease. She is a huge factor but not the most important one. The differing resolutions to today's major issues need to be disputed by the candidates. Like most folks out here, I believe he is pulling a stunt. John McCain is an issue himself. He is an "elitist" because he thinks the Americans are stupid. If he wins the presidencey, he will be proven right.